
St Bernadette Catholic Primary School

Religious Education

Our RE curriculum is engaging, creative and designed to specifically meet the needs of our children.

Our personalised scheme of work enables the children to learn about their faith through a Scripture, Tradition, Human Experience and Creation. It has at its core the central beliefs that Catholics hold and how these guide our actions in our everyday lives.

The structure of our curriculum allows us to ensure that key topics are revisited in greater depth during each key stage, allowing the children the opportunity to consolidate, widen and deepen their existing understanding in line with the Religious Education Curriculum Directory.

Our work in RE lessons is strengthened by our specific Christian Living curriculum, which gives the children the opportunity to explore the values of Catholic Social Teaching and how they relate to their own actions. This curriculum also has a focus on exploring historic and modern examples of people who have lived their lives guided by their faith.

Finally, the children also have the opportunity to learn about particular aspects of world faiths different to their own, which develops the children’s understanding of similarities and differences between different faiths.
