We promote healthy eating at the school and the children are provided with a range of healthy meals.
Please see the link below for the weekly menus.
Parents are advised that all meals are paid for in advance and need to be ordered at lease 24 hours in advance to make sure the children receive their choices.
All KS1 and Reception children are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals.
The eligibility criteria for KS2 children who may be entitled to receive free school meals is below. In order to receive free school meals parents need to be in receipt of one or more of the following:
All you need to do is go onto the website https://pps.lgfl.org.uk/ and follow the instructions. You will need your National Insurance (NI) number. If you are unsure of your entitlement, please go ahead and make an application anyway; the website will tell you automatically if you are entitled or not and the school will be notified accordingly.
If you have any questions or would like help in applying please phone or come into the office.
Dietary requirements
“If your child requires a medical diet due to a food allergy, food intolerance or a medical condition that requires an adapted menu (e.g. carbohydrate count for Type 1 Diabetes), please follow this link to request a medical diet: https://orders.lunchhound.co.uk/medicaldiets/request For further support, please refer to the Parent User Guide.”
Please find further information attached in the links below.