
St Bernadette Catholic Primary School


Computing at St Bernadettes



In a world that of ever changing used of technology, our aim is for children to develop their computing skills and thinking so they can be applied in a rational and creative way. In computing lessons computing skills are taught wherever possible in a cross-curricular manner, so that they tie in with other areas of learning. Each programme of study is used to build on what is taught the previous year. We strive for all our children to leave St Bernadette digitally literate and to use communication technology is a variety of ways.


Our Computing Provision and Curriculum

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment. Children are encouraged to use different technology to enhance their learning.

From Reception through to Year 6 each class each class is dedicated time weekly to develop their skills in computing. They have access to a range to technological equipment such as desktops, Chromebooks, camera and recorders. We follow the Rising Stars computing curriculum which ensures that all the children are covering the new programme of study for the Computing Curriculum - computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Please see the year group curriculum statements for computing coverage.


Online Safety

Being safe online is a cornerstone of living in a digital world. It is important to teach pupils about the underpinning knowledge and behaviours that can help pupils to navigate the online world safely and confidently regardless of the device, platform or app. Here at St Bernadettes we adopt a whole school approach to online safety. It is addressed in whole school assemblies and in individual lessons.

We keep our staff informed of the possible risks that are posed online and therefore teachers tailor their lessons to reflect the appropriateness of topics for the children and their level of understanding. We refer to documents such as Education for a Connected World Framework, Teaching Online Safety in School and the National Curriculum for computing  to aid us in tailoring appropriate lessons for the children.
