Regular, punctual attendance in school is very important in supporting children’s learning. Take a look at our graphic to see how time missed from school adds up:
The School works closely with the Attendance Support team from the Local Education Authority during their regular visits into school. If the school has any concerns regarding a child’s attendance, these concerns are discussed with the Attendance Support Officer and appropriate action, including monitoring of absence and referrals for penalty notices, then takes place.
Under the 2013 Government Pupil Registration Regulations Head teachers are not permitted to grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The penalty for an absence such as this can result in a fine between £80.00 to £160.00 if the parent is prosecuted.
Any exceptional leave should be requested in advance.
Please complete the 'Exceptional leave request form' for all requests concerning leave of absence.
Information about attendance and the Local Authority's role can be found here: