
St Bernadette Catholic Primary School

Medical and Welfare

The school welfare provision is led by a trained Welfare officer, Ms Liddiard.

In addition there are several other members of staff who hold a full first aid certificate.

Ms Liddiard may be contacted by


If your child is unwell and needs to be sent home we ask that they are collected as soon as possible, within 30 minutes. Please ensure that office staff have a minimum of two emergency contacts who have permission to collect your child if parents are not available to do so.



We expect parents to inform the school if their child has any medical needs or allergies so that this can be discussed and the appropriate plan in place.


Prescribed Medicine

On certain occasions it is necessary for medicines to be administered during the day to children who are well enough to be in school. The government guidelines now state that Welfare staff in schools are only allowed to administer medicine prescribed by a doctor. Please do not bring any other medicine into school.  

Parents must complete a form if they wish prescribed medicines to be administered in school.



If your child has an allergy and has an epipen or needs to take antihistamine, these will need to be handed in the day your child starts school. Two in date epipens are required in school in all times.



If your child uses an inhailer (blue only allowed in school) they will need to be handed in on the day your child starts school. One in date blue inhalers are required in school at all times.


Head Lice

Outbreaks of head lice occur from time to time. Hair hygiene is the responsibilty of the parent and a weekly check is recommended.  If you would like advice on the best way to do this please CLICK HERE and HERE to see our leaflet. If a case of head lice is found in a class, a letter will be sent home electronically to parents.


Sickness and Diarrhoea

If your child has had vomiting and/or diarrhoea they should not return to school for 48 hours following the last episode.  


Pastoral care


Change of Circumstances

Please let the school know if there has been a change in personal circumstances. This could be due to a death in the family, serious illness of a family member, separation or divorce of parents, or anything that you think could affect your child's welfare. Knowing about such changes will help us support your child in the best way possible.
