As a Catholic Voluntary Aided School, we have to pay 10% of the cost of all building projects, as well as 10% of some other spends. This 10% cannot be met from the annual budget that we receive from the government but must come from parental contributions. This is why we ask every family every year to help us meet these costs through voluntary contributions. Each donation you make is put towards necessary building costs in order to maintain and upgrade our facilities.
We ask for a payment of £60 per year per family for the academic year – although if you are not able to contribute this much we would be pleased to receive any donation from you.
If you are able to support us by paying £60, this can be as a one-off payment or £20.00 for each term. Where possible we would prefer donations to be made online or by cheque made payable to St Bernadette Catholic Primary School.
You can pay by standing order. Please contact the office for further information.
Alternatively you can pay via schopay our online payment system.
In order to help the school make your donation go further, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form if you pay taxes. This can be downloaded using the link below. This will enable the school to reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that you give.
HMRC have very strict guidelines with regard to reclaiming gift aid tax and our procedures are audited regularly. In order to reclaim the gift aid tax payments must be made from the person registered as a donor. This includes online payments, cheque signatories and name of payees. E.g. if a Gift Aid Donor is recorded in a marital name the payment cannot be from a maiden name. If you have registered as a Gift Aid Donor you must notify the school of any changes to your personal details or circumstances that will affect your gift aid status.
We thank you for your continued support in School Building Fund.